Biomimicry Design

for sustainability skills in VET

The project aims to enable VET systems to be more SUSTAINABLE and RELEVANT supporting young people to obtain the skills they need to participate and prosper in achieving the sustainability goals.

Link to access the platform

  • Let’s Mimic Methodology
  • Platform development
  • Piloting & Dissemination events
  • Learning Outcomes Matrix for Sustainability Skills in VET learners
  • Project-Based Learning Framework on Biomimicry Process Design
  • Biomimicry Platform Design



Biomimicry Process Design for Sustainability Skills methodology will be introduced in VET programmes through the Project-Based Learning Framework on Biomimicry Process Design which will be elaborated on the PBL principles and following the six steps of biomimicry design.

Innovation inspired by Nature!

Methdology pins
Methdology pins
Methdology pins
Methdology pins
Methdology pins
Methdology pins
Methdology pins

Timeline & Milestones

Timeline of Let's mimic project


Discover us

Map of Let's mimic project partners

Panepistimio Thessalias

Advanced Technology Systems

Yakacik Mesleki Ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi

Etudes Et Chantiers Corsica

Instituto para el fomento del desarrollo y la formacion

Virtual Campus Ltd